The path God will lay out for us associated with His return will be a clear path. It will not be something hard to see. Look at how clearly God manifested Himself before the children of Israel and gave such a powerful demonstration of His commitment to them. He poured out the ten plagues on Egypt which culminated in the Passover Feast. He parted the Red Sea, saved His people, and destroyed Pharaoh and His armies by closing the Sea back in upon them. He fed them, clothed them, and gave them water to drink. Finally He came down on Mount Sinai and entered into a covenant relationship with His people Israel. A clearer path could not have been made for Israel to see that God was with them and was preparing the way before them.
The same thing happened when Jesus came to His people with all the signs and miracles He performed before them. It was clear Jesus was sent from God.
Jesus' return will entail a much greater move of God than when He brought the nation of Israel out of Egypt. It will also be greater than when Jesus first came. And since it will include the full Revelation of Jesus Christ it will be greater than any other previous revelation of God. The path God will lead us on associated with Christ’ return will be much clearer to see than during the time of the Exodus or any other previous time.
We might think since God is going to manifest Himself in such a mighty way and in such a clear way, certainly everyone will follow Him. But if we look back at what happened during the time of the Exodus, this was not the case. One month after God came down on Mount Sinai the people were worshipping a golden calf. And only two out of probably more than two million people actually made it into the Promised Land. Even Moses himself did not make it. And this is after God had done so many wonderful things for them and His visible presence was with them and going before them in glory!
The same thing happened at Jesus’ coming. Even though He had performed so many miracles, so many that John said "if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books which were written." The people who saw Jesus perform these miracles rejected Him and the religious leaders handed Him over to Pilate to be crucified.
When God put this on my heart I was thinking, “Even still, surely everyone will want to be a part of what God will be doing. It will be so massive” (consider Revelation 5 and 6). But just like the people of Israel who started worshiping a golden calf right in front of God’s face, there will be those from our time who will not get on board with what God is doing — even though it will be so powerful — even though it will be so unmistakable — even though it will be a clear path. Even now the prevailing popular culture embraces things that are in obvious error and in rebellion against God. Those who believe in and who promote evolution, homosexuality, and abortion are living examples of gross rebellion and blatant disobedience. They are purposely turning away from what is obviously a clear, godly, and true path to follow (creationism, heterosexuality, and choosing life) to that which is obviously a false path to follow. My people perish for lack of vision — for lack of knowledge (Proverbs 29:18). When people don’t believe God or choose not to believe what is obviously true they in a sense give permission to Satan to blind their eyes spiritually to where they can’t “see” what God is doing, can’t “hear” what God is speaking, can’t see, can’t hear, or can’t know the truth.,
And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving.
— (II Corinthians 4:3, 4)
It’s not too difficult to see how the antichrist will have a huge following even after God moves so mightily in the earth with a clear path being laid out for everyone to see and to follow.
And it will be a clear path — it already is — and most are not walking on it.
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