Thursday, July 14, 2011


But that’s not fair! Why does she (fill in the blank) get to (fill in the blank) and I don’t?

When we’re little one of the first lessons and one of the toughest lessons we learn is that life’s not fair. We have to learn to accept this as part of life and move on.
But why is life not fair? Isn’t God fair? Isn’t God just? Where is He in all of this?
God is fair. God is just. But He is not the ruler of this world.
Jesus calls Satan, “the ruler of this world” (John 12:31). Satan and his angels are mostly responsible for the fallen condition of the world. The whole world lies in the power of the evil one (I John 5:19). Satan is unfair. Satan is unjust. Not God.
Jesus taught us to pray that God’s will would be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Jesus is indicating that God’s will is not being done on earth as God’s will is being done in Heaven. Unfairness, unjustness do not come from God, they come from Satan.
The Bible says that God judges with equity (Psalm 98:9). I once heard a preacher speaking on that verse and especially the word, equity. He explained that God is able to come into any situation, any life, and bring it up to a level playing field of judgment. He is able to bring it into equity. This is represented by the well known image of Lady Justice who holds the balances of judgment while blindfolded indicating justice is impartial and balanced in judgment.
It doesn’t matter what kind of life someone has lived, God will judge that life with equity. God sorts out all injustice and unfairness. He does not hold us responsible for sin or for a sinful culture brought upon us that we are not responsible for. He holds us responsible only for our own sin.
God judges righteous judgment. 
God is fair.

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